Wednesday 2 November 2016


While perusing my usual morning news sites, I happened upon an article about the top 10 creepiest jobs in South Africa. I was quite surprised while reading through the list, as I thought it would include clowns and possibly politicians, but alas, I was wrong. So herewith the Top 10 Creepiest Jobs in South Africa.....
1. Gravedigger
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Are you a fan of manual labour that doesn't require any qualifications? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Then grave digging is just the job for you! Apart from the fact that your clientele is dead......well, hopefully.

2. Forensic Entomologist
For those who are now scratching their heads, let me save you the trip to Google. A regular entomologist is a person that studies insects. Now while that is already sort of creepy in and of itself, a forensic entomologist studies insects in dead bodies. Think of Doctor Hodgens in the TV series Bones. So not only should you have an unhealthy interest in insects, you should also be fine with digging them out of corpses. Not exactly the kind of person I'd like to hang out with.....

3. Road Kill Removal Specialist
Yep, there are people who remove dead animals from the road. And because they can't do it during the day when the roads are busy, they do it at night. So you can sleep soundly tonight knowing that our roads will be safer because someone out there is dragging a kudu carcass around and mopping up the road surface.

4. Arachnologist
This is a person who studies spiders for a living. So someone wakes up in the morning, showers, gets dressed, and then goes out to handle spiders, stick them under a microscope, milk them for their venom, check out their silk and generally get all enthusiastic about something that has way more legs than it is supposed to. Why? Just why?

5. Forensic Scientist
This profession has been made to seem a lot more glamorous than it truly is by series like CSI and NCIS. More often than not you are asked to collect bits of human from accidents and the occasional crime scene. Then you spend the rest of the day putting them all back together again, studying them and generally trying to figure out what killed the unfortunate person in question.

6. Crime Scene Cleaner
After the guys who arrive first and get all the attention leave, it is up to the intrepid crime scene cleaner to tidy everything up. This can involve having to clean up bloodstains and pieces of brain or other fun and disgusting body parts. They even get called in to clean up meth labs and other drug creation sites. So, bored of your office cleaning job, are you? Maybe you can go and scrape some brain off a wall.

7. Blood Technician
Someone who works with blood for a living. A haemodialysis technician analyses blood, looking for diseases or mutations and variations. The upside to this job is that you can tell people you are a vampire when asked what you do for a living.

8. Taxidermist
Someone who preserves animals, whether for hunters, museums or just the little old lady that is not quite ready to part with her beloved family pet. Not exactly my cup of tea.....

9. Police Diver
A police diver has to swim around in murky conditions looking for bodies or evidence which has been discarded in a body of water. I suspect the only thing creepier than finding a body is finding a body when some fish have been feasting on it.

10. Clinical Trial Subject
When a new drug is created, it requires test subjects to see whether it actually works. Now seeing as they can't just randomly pull people off the streets and inject them full of weird and wonderful things to see whether they grow a third nipple or glow in the dark, they have to ask for volunteers. While this is a relatively well-paying job, you have to get used to developing some strange side-effects. After all, they don't quite know what this drug is going to do to you until they test it. So when the nice paycheck arrives, you can use it for surgery to amputate your newly grown tail.....

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