Tuesday 19 November 2013

Merry Chri.......hey, wait a second!

I love Christmas time! It's like the world is a nicer place for a short while. Everyone is happy, you see family members that you haven't seen all year and you consume more food in one day than most people consume in a week. Then there are the presents. Colourfully wrapped, carefully picked, lovingly given. A time of family, fun and giving. In December. Not now.

I walked into a local supermarket yesterday and heard Christmas carols....

Now, while there is nothing wrong with Christmas carols, I have a bit of an issue with the fact that I was hearing them while nowhere near Christmas. For a while I was just standing in the canned food aisle trying to figure out if I had mysteriously skipped four weeks into the future. But no, it is still November. And the cashiers and store assistants were all walking around in Santa hats, looking like weird little supermarket elves. I had this sudden urge to find the store manager and have a long chat about timing, and possibly provide him with the number of a good psychiatrist.

I have long been baffled about the need to market Christmas goods when it is nowhere near Christmas, like in October. In fact, this has baffled me so that last year I had a similar post (Last year's post). I'd like to just find the person who started this madness and do the following:

But, seeing as it's the season to be jolly (supposedly) I guess I'll grin and bear it. I can't promise I won't kick the first Santa Clause that I see in November squarely in the fork though......

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