Monday 11 November 2013

It's Party Time!

Well, not just yet. My lovely companion's got a big birthday coming up and we've been researching party ideas. Some are quite clever, others make you cringe. I thought back to all the themed parties that I ever attended, which turned out to be very few, for possible inspiration. We've done a Mad Hatter party, a Halloween dress-up, a Saints and Sinners party and a party where the theme was the letter S. All were quite fun, but while delving through the internet for further inspiration, I came across a few that had me questioning the sanity of the people who thought it up. Things like Pimps and Prostitutes. Now why on earth would any woman want to dress up like a lady of questionable virtue and parade around a room with people that she would have to face again afterwards? Then there is the even scarier 50 Shades of Grey party. I didn't even want to contemplate what could happen at a party like that! For those of you who are in the dark, a simple Google search should enlighten you, before freaking you out completely!

Other party ideas include Black and White (how original), James Bond, the 80's (where a group of people would use so much hairspray that the Ozone Layer would vanish overnight!), Monopoly (I call dibs on the silver boot!) and many more. My lovely companion also mentioned that she found a Barbarians and Librarians party theme. That boggled my mind! I would never have thought of combining the two! Can you imagine if such a conversation were ever to take place in reality:

Steve the Conqueror: "You! Puny book person!"

Librarian: "ARGH! I mean, yes Sir?"

Steve the Conqueror: "I'm looking for a book!"

Librarian: "You are? I mean, certainly Sir, which book are you looking for?"

Steve the Conqueror: "Embroidery for Dummies! And find it quickly, I've got villages to pillage!"

But I digress. It would seem that there are a multitude of themes to choose from, some fun, some weird, others just plain scary. Should we go for an old classic, the Masquerade (ballroom not included) or a more Mardi Gras themed one? Which could get out of hand, so scratch that!

Thankfully I have a bit of time, so the search continues. But when it happens, it will be unforgettable!

As the saying goes: "It's party time! P...A...R...T...Y? Because I gotta!"

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