Thursday 30 November 2017

The Oblivious Gender

A little over a year ago, I wrote a post lamenting the fact that ladies these days are all completely oblivious to the existence of gentlemen, yet they constantly complain about the lack of gentleman in the world. And, one year on, I can honestly say that hasn't changed. Yesterday, while at a shopping centre, I held open a door for a lady. She walked through without so much as a "thank you". She didn't even glance in my direction. In another store I moved to the side of the aisle so a lady with a shopping trolley could get past me. Again, no "thank you" or any acknowledgement of any kind. And then, on Facebook, I saw another post commenting that gentlemen are rare breed, a dying species.
Ladies, let me clarify this for you. Gentlemen are not rare. They are not dying out. They are out there, right now, holding open doors and moving out of your way in shopping aisles. You are just absolutely oblivious to their presence. I suspect the problem is that ladies these days think that, when a guy is nice to you, he automatically wants to get into your pants. As I mentioned in my post one year ago, your pants won't fit us! We are not trying to sleep with you (because we don't really do slumber parties) or trying to get your number, we are simply holding open a door for you as an act of kindness. We don't expect you to throw off your clothes and climb on top of us out of sheer gratitude. A simple "thank you" will suffice.

A poster I saw the other day sums it up nicely: "Women all want Superman but they walk past Clark Kent every day." This is very true! So ladies, here's a thought; pay attention. While you are walking through your local shop and a guy offers to carry some heavy item, or hold a door open, or even just gets out of the way so that you can get past with your trolley, thank him. Notice that he is not humping your leg or following you home, he is simply helping you. We are out there ladies, and we are here to stay!

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