Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Getting Stuck

We've all been there; you hear a catchy or annoying song somewhere and it gets firmly stuck in your head for days on end. Sometimes you are lucky and it is a song that you actually enjoy. But sometimes it is one that drives you to insanity. Even after listening to other music in an attempt to rid yourself of the offending tune, a short while later you find yourself humming it again. Unfortunately most modern pop songs have that effect on me. I hear a song, dislike it immediately with a loathing bordering on supreme hatred, but it gets planted more firmly than a wet lollipop on a toddler's hair. And then, after a long while, I manage to finally rid myself of the offending tune and someone walks past humming it, and it is right back in there. Usually leaving me with this expression....
What is it about certain songs that get them stuck on repeat in your brain? Could it be that, with songs we enjoy, your brain wants to store them for your future listening enjoyment? But, if that is the case, why is it that so many extremely annoying songs can get as firmly entrenched in our memory banks? Maybe our brains are going "Remember, this is a song that annoys you. Don't listen to it!" and then keeps repeating it so that we are aware that we should avoid it at all costs. Usually accomplishing the exact opposite.

My brother-in-law recently shared a song with me. One that is so catchy that it will get stuck in your head probably for the rest of your natural life. But at the same time it is so annoying that you will want to take a pot scourer and try and scrub it out of your brain in an attempt to get rid of it. Honestly, listening to someone grinding metal while badly playing bagpipes would be more enjoyable! Unfortunately for me, that song is still stuck on repeat on my mental MP3 player, so in order not to suffer alone, here it is for your enjoyment (infuriation).....