Friday 17 November 2017

The Terror in the Towel

So this morning after taking a shower, I grab my towel from its railing to dry myself. To my horror, after the removal of the towel, an eight legged shape descended from the towel railing and hung in mid-air, glaring at me for removing the foundations of its new home. Now, I'm not a fan of spiders in general, and I strongly dislike spiders in my home in particular. So I decided, since this spider wanted to share in my belongings, I introduced it to my flip-flop. Thereafter I sent it on an all expenses paid trip down the toilet.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that spiders are an essential part of nature. I just prefer that they stay in nature instead of moving in with me. People frequently tell me "Don't kill them, they catch mosquitos." but the only spider I have ever seen munching down on a mozzie is a daddy-long-leg. And since they are generally harmless I let them be. As long as they stay out of my personal space, that is. A while ago the people I rent from decided to cut down a tree outside of my flat, which for some reason, gave every black widow and brown recluse spider the bright idea to move into my place. This meant war! I was not going to share my space with venomous spiders. Thankfully, after seeing how many losses they suffered, they wisely decided to look elsewhere for lodging.

I'm part of a Facebook group that people who live in my city can join. During our rainy season people frequently post pictures of rain spiders (or huntsman spiders, for those who live down unda) that enter their home. While considered harmless, they are terrifyingly large. And extremely quick! To me that should be against the laws of nature! I've seen rain spiders varying in size from DVD to dinner plate. And for something that large to move as quick as they do is wrong on so many levels. The inevitable comment "Don't kill them, they catch mosquitos." gets thrown around whenever someone posts a picture of these monstrosities. But no, they don't catch mosquitos! They are the size of a small family hatchback! They don't notice mosquitos!

I have mentioned in a few previous blog posts that I dislike spiders, and I do apologise for subjecting you to yet another post on the subject. But until spiders decide to stay outside where they belong and stop being so tremendously creepy, I am afraid I might mention my utter dismay at their existence from time to time....

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