Tuesday 4 April 2017

Strange Creatures

Not so long ago in a galaxy not that far away, there lived a strange creature. In appearance he was strange, for his skull was oddly shaped, suggesting (falsely) that it contained multiple brains. Anyone who spoke with this creature would have a hard time understanding him, because his speech was peppered with commas placed at odd intervals. This unusual creature lived in a beautiful country. A country filled with wildlife, natural wonders and, perhaps more importantly, did not contain Justin Bieber.
Now, I should point out at this stage that our previously aforementioned unusual creature actually ruled this wondrous land. How he came to be leader is still uncertain. Maybe he possesses strange telepathic abilities that enable him to enchant the masses. Another of his superpowers include washing away debilitating diseases by simply taking a shower. He truly is a strange and unusual creature!

Not too long ago he decided to expand and improve his dwelling, as it was deemed unsafe. So to enhance its safety and security he added a helipad (which is probably unnecessary as he can float due to excess amounts of hot air), underground bunkers (which probably contain copies of a very controversial painting containing a spear), a security team to fetch him some Nandos, a firepool (because swimming pool sounds too boring) and a chicken run. Because chickens are essential to a good security strategy.

Recently he decided that there were too many competent and reliable people in his government, so he got rid of them and placed wholly incompetent people in their stead. But he did not take into account the effect this would have. Immediately the very earth rebelled, sending tremor after tremor through the land. The local currency became close to worthless overnight and they had to legalise a previously taboo drug just to calm the population down.

What will become of this wondrous country and its people? What will this strange and unusual creature do next? Will this tale have a happy ending? Only time will tell.......

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