Tuesday 3 January 2017

We are the Bored

During the festive season my neighbours went somewhere with lots of sun, sand and waves. That left their Jack Russel to sit around all day being extremely bored. While the entertainment of a dog does not rank high on many people's lists, it became a priority of mine when said dog decided to yap for absolutely no reason in an effort to a) entertain itself, b) drive me completely insane, c) all of the above. I eventually resorted to buying the bored canine dog toys and chewy treats just to shut it up. Alas, I did not succeed. But that got me thinking, what other ways do people have to beat the boredom? I found a list of ways in which people entertain themselves while bored at the office and thought I would share it with you. Who knows, it just might inspire you!
1. "When I am bored at work I make lightsaber noises with my pen. Today I got caught."

2. "Sometimes when I am bored at work I will speak to people in a really high voice while maintaining a straight face, just to amuse myself."

3. "Whenever I am bored at work I think of ways to break into the office if I ever get locked out."

4. "When I am really bored at work I start narrating everything I am doing in a game show announcer voice in my head."

5. "When I am really bored at work I like to write 'I'm watching you' on the toilet paper a few squares in just to mess with people."

6. "Sometimes when I am bored at work I sit and cut my split ends one hair at a time."

7. "I practice my signature for hours on end when I get bored at work."

8. "Sometimes when I am bored at work I will just sit and stare at myself in the mirror."

9. "When I am bored at work I will try and see how much water I can fit in my mouth from the water cooler."

10. "Sometimes at work when I get bored, I will use the office supplies for arts and crafts."

11. "Sometimes when I get really bored at work I will change my desktop theme to places around the world and flip through the pictures and pretend I am traveling the world."

12. "When I am bored at work I write resignation letters because even though I can't afford to quit, it makes me feel better to pretend that I can."

13. "I'm the guy at work that bends up all the paper clips when I get bored. My coworkers are starting a witch hunt to find the person who is wasting office supplies."

14. "I'm not normally one to take selfies, but when I am alone and bored at work I suddenly become a supermodel."

15. "I engage my boss in idle chit-chat when I get bored at work because I know he will just keep going on for at least an hour if I let him."

16. "When I get bored at work I move stuff around to confuse people."

17. "When I am bored at work I dial random extensions and if they answer I yell 'Get off the phone! Get back to work!"

18. "Sometimes when I am bored at work I read smutty fan fiction in my cubicle."

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