Tuesday 10 January 2017

Bathroom Break

So I was having lunch with my dad, his fiance, my uncle and his girlfriend on Sunday and a good time was had by all. At some point I decided to answer nature's call. Upon finishing my ablutions and trying to exit the bathroom, I realised that the key had broken in the lock and the door would not open. Being a man I tried all sorts of ways to get the door open before finally realising that I will need to call in reinforcements. Imagine my dad's surprise when he received a phone call from me from within the bathroom. When I explained my situation it was met with much hilarity and the entire family congregated outside the bathroom door to offer comment or reassurance.

The first step was to see if there was a spare key, but alas, no such luck. So a wide variety of tools was handed to me through the bathroom window. The plan was to remove the door itself. So I valiantly set to work trying to get the pins out of the hinges. Unfortunately the first pin was quite comfortable where it was and resisted my efforts at removal. But, with great determination, effort and a desire to not remain in the bathroom for the rest of the day, I managed to finally convince the offending pin to relocate. It should be said that, at this point, my family members were all congregated outside the bathroom window, providing commentary and advice. I secretly wondered what the neighbours would think were they to peek over the wall.

After the removal of the first pin the second one gave up without a fight, probably not wishing to endure the same treatment that I had given the first one. Unfortunately the door remained resolutely in place, even after some well-placed kicks from the other side. I decided to wash the dust and grime off of my hands and had just turned to the sink when the bathroom door suddenly landed right on top of me. It turns out that my dad's fiance, in her best Hollywood cop persona, had taken a run-up and flung her full weight against the door. Like any criminal faced with Hollywood justice, the door gave up immediately.

After crawling out from under the door I removed the lock and we put the door back on its hinges. After testing to see that the door could open and close (this time from outside of the bathroom) we could once again settle down for some coffee and biscuits. This was definitely not the quiet Sunday that I had imagined I would have! In future, when nature calls, I think I will just quietly slip into the garden and go seek a tree......

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