Monday 23 January 2017

Restart Required

This morning I had to install a content management system for the company I work at. And the installation, though lengthy, went well. Upon attempting to launch the application I was informed that I needed to restart my computer. Alright, annoying but I suppose necessary. So I restarted my computer. Then, after the restart, I try and launch the application only for it to inform me that it can't connect to its database. Nowhere during the installation did it tell me that it had a burning desire to connect to a database, so one was not installed. After a bit of grumbling I installed database software, only for my PC to once again inform me that a restart was required in order for certain files to become available. I was quite annoyed at this point but gave a deep sigh and once again restarted my computer. After the restart the database application still failed to install, and after some creative Googling I found the issue. After fixing the issue and attempting to install the database application, it again wanted a restart.

My question is this, why does Microsoft even want us to use computers if all they do is constantly restart your computer?! You install updates, you have to restart. You install an application, you have to restart. Your PC is misbehaving, you have to restart. North Korea tests a nuclear weapon, you have to restart. It is enough to drive one absolutely crazy! But that got me wondering, couldn't we apply Microsoft's problem solving solution to every day things? For example, your Government is corrupt, reset the Government. Makes sense to me! Maybe IT guys should be making decisions, we would get a lot more done!

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