Tuesday 1 December 2015

When People Fail...

Recently I hurt a dear friend of mine very badly. I agreed to something quite large and then backed out at the last minute (almost literally). This betrayed her trust and caused her great pain and disappointment. What made this betrayal worse was the fact that she had been in this position before. They say that time heals all wounds, but a wound that keeps on being opened takes much longer to heal. There is a saying that goes "broken trust is like melted chocolate, no matter how you try to freeze it, it will never again return to its original shape." And to know that I caused that kind of pain is a terrible feeling. We are called to be the light of the world, to bring joy and peace to others. But sometimes we fail, and innocent and undeserving people get caught in the crossfire. It is also said that the people closest to you hurt you the most. That is because you let them into your defenses. That makes the betrayal and pain so much worse!

I have failed so many times before, and chances are that this was not the last time that I fail. I can only strive to redeem myself, and to guard against hurting people in future. Nothing that one says or does can lessen the sting of betrayal. I can only encourage you, my readers, to look after the ones you care about. Do your utmost to not cause them pain and suffering. And if you do, do your utmost to make it right again. I saw a poster recently that read "You ever notice people would rather stop speaking to you instead of apologizing when they are wrong." I was wrong in this case, and someone got badly hurt.

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