Monday 23 November 2015

The Devil Wears Prada, Luckily I Don't

I will be the first person to admit that I don't really concern myself with the latest fashions. Or any fashions for that matter. As long as the important bits are covered I consider myself clothed. But I know you get people out there who love the latest trends. People who swoon at the mention of the names of top designers. But I've never been able to understand why! To me a runway fashion show doesn't look like the latest cutting edge trends in the world of fashion, it looks like the fever dreams of a mildly concussed glue addict. Or the way Lady Gaga sees the world. Let me give you a few examples:

This looks like her dress is trying to suck her into a black hole

Presumably this is what happens when you ask a Japanese Anime writer to come up with clothing

Just the right outfit for a blind date. It may also be the only date

I assume she put this dress on backwards because she was in a hurry

This summer's latest look, The Alien Prostitute

The reason the Woolly Mammoth went extinct

The Matrix meets Pajamas

I can only assume they lightly electrocuted this model

I guess I will never understand modern fashions or the people that design them, presumably while under the influence of something extremely illegal and highly hallucinogenic. I also feel a great sense of relief over the fact that I have never seen these designs in my local Woolworths. But the day that happens I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world has finally gone completely mad......

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