Monday 2 November 2015

The Voice

I quite enjoy singing. Whether it is in the shower, driving in my car or simply sitting around at home, I like to belt out a good tune. Usually when I am alone. Otherwise I might be asked to please stop making such a racket because I am scaring the neighbour's children and upsetting all the dogs in the neighbourhood. So singing might not be a talent of mine. But I enjoy it nonetheless. I also admire people who have perfected the art of singing. Someone who doesn't need to be edited in a soundroom before they sound like they might have some talent somewhere. Someone who has a beautiful voice and uses it to its full potential. People like Andrea Bochelli, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey. Now, while I am a fan of the aforementioned singers, I also enjoy people who are just starting out. Singers who are making a name for themselves on the strength of their voice alone. People who can sing a beautiful song and not be asked to please stop scaring old people. That's why I am also a big fan of acapella bands. These are singers who can sing haunting and lovely melodies, who can enthrall you with their vocal talents without the need for musical instruments. Which brings me neatly on to my next point. Some of these acapella bands have decided to include musical instruments as well, but using only their voices and natural talent. Bands like Pentatonix and Music Crowns. But, as they say, the proof is in the pudding (Mmmmm, pudding....) so I have put together a few videos for you to enjoy....

Music Crowns - Hotel California

Pentatonix - Daft Punk Medley

Michael Winslow (from Police Academy) - Whole Lotta Love

Peter Hollens - Song of the Misty Mountain

There are many more amazing vocal talents out there, unfortunately I won't be able to list all of them, but you can find the links to the artists shown above here:

Peter Hollens
Michael Winslow
Music Crowns

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