Sunday 20 December 2015

Tis the Season to be Jolly

Another year has passed and Christmas is fast approaching. A time for family, fun and feasting. And also for decorating a random plastic tree and telling children that if they behave, a fat old guy will break into their home and leave gifts under said plastic tree. Normally if a random old fat man gives children gifts we all wonder what he is up to, and if he tries to enter our homes uninvited and unannounced we call the police/neighbourhood watch/security company/Swat team.
Now in theory we celebrate Christmas as a reminder of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, but I struggle to find any reference to brightly lit plastic trees with colourful decorations and a pedophilic old guy in a red suit that sneaks into houses in my Bible. So I do not celebrate with plastic trees filled with so many flashing lights that it classifies as a fire hazard. No, I celebrate by thanking God for another year gone by. I celebrate by spending time with friends and family and reminding myself how truly blessed I really am. I celebrate by remembering the birth of our Saviour, and the ultimate sacrifice that He made for me.
This Christmas I wish you only the best. May your day be filled with good memories, with family and friendship. May it be a blessed day. If someone inevitably puts on the Boney M Christmas album (which turns everyone into people-hugging Christmas zombies) then just enjoy it. And if you spot a creepy old guy in a red suit trying to give something to your child, then punch him squarely in his jolly red nose....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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