Monday 28 September 2015

Rock Out to......Gummy Bears?

I attended my very first music festival recently. Well, when I say attended, I actually mean I accompanied a friend who was supporting her brother, who was doing the sound for the event. We arrived rather late, because my friend had to finish working first. So we had to pay a rather large amount of money to enter, even though we weren't actually there for the event itself. And upon entering, we heard this....
A local singer blasting his way through the beloved Gummy Bears theme song. Now, while I really enjoy the cartoon series and its extremely catchy opening theme, I wasn't quite expecting to hear it at a music festival. More specifically, an Afrikaans music festival. But the crowd loved it! Hearing a large drunken gathering of people all singing along to Gummy Bears at the top of their voices was quite an experience! After the singer finished his set, the live portion of the show was over and a local DJ started entertaining the crowd. At this point two bottles of alcohol was offered to the person who could dance the best on-stage. This prompted a massive response from the crowd and the dancers were cheered on enthusiastically. The winner was a girl who stopped just short of actually taking her clothes off, which goes to show, people will do just about anything to win!

Thereafter I sat and watched the crowd, who had by now imbibed in rather large amounts of alcohol. People were drunkenly dancing, or swaying across the terrain. I couldn't be sure if they were swaying to the music or just trying not to topple over. I also saw people drunkenly making out as if the world was ending in 10 minutes, and a few people weight dancing around. I saw things jiggle that I am pretty sure are not supposed to jiggle!

All-in-all it was a rather unique experience. And even though I was quite baffled by the choice of songs and some of the goings-on, I do believe I shall attend a few more music festivals. Who knows, next time I might even sing along.....

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