Monday 4 August 2014

The First of Many!

So, our little angel's first birthday has come and gone. It's hard to believe that it has been a year since she first cuddled her way into our lives! And what a year it has been! She surprises us daily with her cuteness and intelligence. And for such a special girl, you have to have a special first birthday party. This party was planned with more attention to detail than most nuclear strikes. Everything had to be perfect! So she received her first present on Saturday morning, and proceeded to play with the wrapping paper instead. Then we got her all dressed up for a special event. It is called "Smash the Cake" which basically involves putting down sheets everywhere, giving the baby a birthday cake and letting them have their way with it.
Our little angel enjoyed it immensely! When first presented with her vanilla and strawberry buttercream cake, she fell face first into it for the first bite. After that her time was spent alternating between eating off all the icing and posing for pictures. Thereafter she took a well-deserved nap while we went to the venue to prepare for the dedication ceremony. The dedication ceremony was a tremendous success, even though our little angel, with a massive amount of cake-induced energy, ran around laughing like a hyena the entire time! Then it was time for the after party. Another one of her birthday gifts featured quite prominently; an inflatable pool filled with coloured balls for her to play in. The manufacturers of said inflatable pool wanted to make sure that the air that you put into it stays there, but unfortunately they did it so well that it was next to impossible to actually get the air INTO it. After about an hour and a half spent huffing and puffing which would have made the big bad wolf glow with pride, it was inflated to all its glorious rainbow-coloured glory. The unadulterated joy on our little angel's face upon seeing her very own ball pit made all the effort worth it though!
After all was said and done, our little angel drifted to sleep for a well deserved rest, and we followed suit soon thereafter. All in all it was a very memorable first birthday. Even though the following day I had to spend some more time re-inflating her ball pit, which had been deflated for transport.....

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