Monday 21 July 2014

Nice to Meet You!

My lovely companion and I have recently come to realise that we have produced quite the little social butterfly! Wherever our little angel goes, she makes friends with all the kids in her vicinity. Restaurants, shopping centers, you name it, she will find someone to chat to. Not that you can understand a word she's saying just yet.

This past weekend we took her grocery shopping with us. She spent the first 15 minutes of the shopping experience snoozing in the trolley, and then, refreshed after her power nap, spent the rest of the time frantically greeting passersby. Her standard greeting is waving while uttering a loud "HAAAAAAAAAAH!" causing most people to be rather startled, especially because most of them only notice her at that point. But then, it would be rather difficult to avoid a friendly toddler squealing in your ear!
My lovely companion takes our little angel to a playgroup once a week. Now there are a few activities that the moms and tots are required to do while at this playgroup, and all the OTHER moms and tots do them quite well. Our little angel, on the other hand, usually decides to explore and make friends. She takes up position in the middle of the floor, selects a likely candidate and crawls over for an introduction, usually leaving my lovely companion to follow her around apologizing to the other moms for the untimely interruption.

We don't mind the friendliness of our little angel, especially as she has shown herself to be an excellent judge of character! If she likes you, you are generally a good person. If she doesn't, and we have learned this from experience, there is usually a rather dodgy side that you are just hiding very well. But few people can escape her falcon-like scrutiny!

We love our little angel to bits, and we are enjoying every moment of her development. She surprises us daily, and at this rate who knows, she might just bring a little light to others as well!

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