Monday 25 August 2014

Party Rock is in the House Tonight!

Well, okay, not tonight, but Saturday night. My lovely companion's 30th birthday party has finally arrived! The amount of effort and planning that went into this event was more intense than most military battle strategy sessions! But, after delving through the internet for party theme ideas (and getting quite freaked out by the wide variety of questionable themes available) we have finally settled on a Marvel and DC Heroes and Villains party. Yes, for a few hours on Saturday our house will resemble Comic Con. Only with better food and beverages. There will even be prizes awarded for the best dressed male and female.

 Now as with any party, we expected a bunch of people to just go "I don't want to dress up" and then rock up in t-shirt and jeans, but so far the response and enthusiasm is breathtaking! One friend even went so far as to ask if she can show up as Squirrel Girl. At first we thought she was joking, but turns out there is in fact a Squirrel Girl in the Marvel Universe!
So I am very happy to report that this will be an awesome party with many colorful and unique costumes! And we are looking forward to it immensely! That leaves just one question......who will I be going as? The truth is.......I AM IRON MAN!

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