Thursday 16 January 2014

No Time to Waste!

My lovely companion posted the following on my Facebook page recently:

That got me thinking; few statements in this world are as true as that one. Before our little angel came along we could take our time, start the evening off slow. Maybe a nice dinner, a movie, some deep gazes into each others eyes (not during the movie, afterwards), and then build up to a nice luxurious end to the evening. One of those where even the neighbours would need cigarettes when we're done. That is the way it used to be.

After our little angel arrived, however, things have changed a bit. We've learned to time our more romantic inclinations with her sleeping patterns. This is after learning the hard (no pun intended) way that taking our time just doesn't work any more. It would be the usual build-up, the loving gazes, the naughty smiles, the soft kisses, the tender undressing, the foreplay, and just when things are really getting going, you'd hear a sigh from the direction of the crib. All action is paused while we assess how awake she is. Then with a gurgle or a little sniffle from our little angel, we'd realise that our time is up. So now our romantic evenings are scheduled around when the little angel visits grandma. Then we can take our time and stretch out the enjoyment. But while our little angel is with us, quickies are all we'll have.....

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