Friday 10 January 2014

Let it Snow!

It seems that it is impossible to turn on the radio, even here in South Africa, and not hear about the cold weather in America. It's even harder to imagine what that would be like when it's so hot that your eggs get hard boiled on the way back from the supermarket. When I think of winter, I don't think of mountains of snow burying people alive. I think of this....

SOME of the trees lose their leaves, the rest haven't noticed that it's cold yet. We walk out in the morning and think to ourselves "My, it's slightly chilly, maybe I'll wear a jersey or something." We don't have blizzards, or snowstorms. We have a slightly cold wind and maybe some rain. We definitely never have a Polar Vortex! That sounds like something a super villain would use.

Super Villain: "I demand 5 billion dollars, or something bad will happen!"

UN: "But we don't have that kind of money! We spent it all trying to solve world hunger and assassinate Justin Bieber!"

Super Villain: "Do I look like I care?! You will pay me, or I will unleash.....(dramatic pause) Polar Vortex! MWA HA HA HA HA!"

UN: "Argh! Not that! Anything but that!"

I'm convinced that a polar vortex is actually just the weather guys trying to make the cold weather sound more dramatic. But then, here in SA, we don't have things like that. Or tsunamis. Or massive city-levelling earthquakes. Or tornadoes. Or hurricanes. In fact, we don't have natural disasters here. That's probably why, in every disaster movie you will ever see, if they show the earth from space, Africa is completely untouched. If a meteor hits the earth and destroys America (as tends to happen in every disaster movie) we'll be sitting here, sipping a cold beer, wondering what that loud bang was....

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