Monday 28 October 2013

Toxic Dilemma

As a new father, I'm still coming to grips with many aspects of parenthood. There are so many new and exciting things to get used to. And when your little angel smiles up at you with pure delight, nothing is wrong with the world. But there is one aspect of parenthood that men universally dread........(insert dramatic music here)......The Dirty Nappy!

Now, I'm not talking a standard wet nappy, those I can handle with ease. I'm talking about the kind where there is the subtle aroma of week old broccoli, a scent that strikes terror into the hearts of men. Especially when you lay your little angel down on the changing table and, with a shaking hand, undo the diaper....

You can not believe that something so vile can come out of something so sweet and innocent! Needless to say that my lovely companion handles this with minimal effort, while I am almost too afraid to touch it lest I contract some rare tropical disease. So I have now come up with a cunning plan, as the following picture demonstrates.....

Although I realise that this plan is not exactly fool-proof, and will only work once or twice, it is the preferred option!

But alas, I know that I cannot run away from this duty forever. At some point, I'm going to have to take a deep breath (preferably in another room), man up and do what is expected of me. I mean, come on, millions of people do this daily! How bad can it be......

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