Tuesday 8 October 2013

Sweet Dreams are Made of This....

Dreams. What can I say, some are pleasant, some are not, some are just downright weird. I had a dream the other night that left me looking like this:

It was sort of a Neverending Story meets Alice in Wonderland, complete with giant car-eating snails and a guy called the Soup King, who rules this weird kingdom while sitting in a giant bowl of soup. I woke up wondering if my Lovely Companion had slipped something into my coffee the previous evening. Or if I had smoked an old gym sock stuffed with dishwashing liquid, mouldy cheese and possibly some bacon. Because that dream was just plain weird. At some point in the dream, I engage in a pillow fight to the death......with myself. Which makes about as much sense as anything else in the dream.

Why do we have dreams that seem to just come out of nowhere, which make as much sense as licking a cactus? (Or the latest Miley Cirus music video) What causes these midnight hallucinations? Is this where all makers of cartoons get their ideas? At least I know for a fact that when I go to sleep, I will never ever be bored!

Then you get the dreams which are so realistic that you wake up struggling to separate fact from fiction. Like when your Lovely Companion is mad at you because of something that you did in her dream....

Me: "Good morning."

LC: "Hmph!"

Me: "What's wrong?"

LC: " You slept with my 9th grade math teacher, you *****!"

Me: "Hang on, I did what???"

Then there are the dreams that make you wake up in the middle of the night with your Lovely Companion looking at you strangely. It is only then that you realise that you have been having an entire confusing conversation in your sleep, mostly about green grass, sunflowers and purple elephants. Or video game characters.

I guess I'll never understand dreams. Not their meanings or their origins. So I have decided not to try and understand. Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree.......

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