Thursday 4 July 2013

The Hangover

No, not the movie. The aftermath of drinking copious amounts of alcohol! I was recently invited to a friend's bachelors party and needless to say that the beverages consisted solely of alcohol. Now, up until that time I thought I could handle my booze quite well. I was sorely mistaken! I was but an amateur among professionals. I started off with some beer, but was later told that this is in fact a celebration, so my beverage got upgraded to vodka. And for some reason I had a bottomless glass. Every time it hit bottom it was magically refilled when I wasn't looking. And while you feel fine while all of this is happening, I'm thoroughly convinced that you actually look like this:

It is slightly embarrassing! Especially around the time where you start slurring your words and think it's a good idea to belt out Celine Dion at the top of your lungs! (No, I did not in fact do this, I'm more of a Sinatra fan) Why we drink ourselves into oblivion remains a mystery to me. Especially when you consider the fact that it makes you do stupid things, and do them amusingly. Add to that the fact that you don't remember doing those amusingly stupid things the next day, and your only way of remembering is the video of you snogging the bouncer that someone put on YouTube, then drinking lots of alcohol makes even less sense! I think the following picture sums this up nicely:

Then there is the morning after. Your head feels like your brain is trying to escape through your nasal passages, your mouth is dry (after drinking all night, which makes no sense), you can't even stomach the thought of food and your sense of balance is about the same as that of a cat in a tumbledryer. Think about it this way, if you went to the doctor and told him that you have a splitting headache, nausea, a serious case of dry mouth and you can't stand upright without listing slightly to the left, he'd book you into hospital. So why do we do this to ourselves? I think from now on I'm going to leave the serious drinking to the professionals! "Barman, a glass of water please!"

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