Monday 22 July 2013

Space.....the Final Frontier!

When you think of space, you generally think of this...

Wide open, empty, silent. Some would even say peaceful. You could imagine that nothing much goes on there. Although if science fiction is to be believed, space is littered with a variety of ships and races all trying to shoot the holy hell out of one another for a variety of reasons; whether it be planetary disputes, racial issues or just someone who blew up a random comet that some other culture happened to be worshipping.

But I have discovered that space is actually very limited. In fact, at the moment, I firmly believe that space looks something like this...

Now, if you are confused, allow me to explain. We have recently moved house. The reason being the imminent arrival of our little one. And suddenly furniture and items that fitted so perfectly in one house has doubled in size and quantity. I'm fairly convinced there was some mating activity amongst our belongings, and the result of that is that now nothing fits into our new home. We've spent the last 3 weeks unpacking, and so far we are no closer to reaching our goal of a nice, clean and box free home. And we have discovered that we have a huge amount of random things! Things that probably seemed like a good idea at the time that it was purchased, but in retrospect makes me wonder if we were smoking something illegal and possibly filled with old socks and mouldy cheese. People say that certain drugs give you hallucinations, sometimes of dragons in the kitchen or ninjas on the front lawn. Whatever the hell we were on gave us hallucinations of discount prices and possible future uses for objects that, when closely studied now, seem to have no purpose other than to sit there and take up space. Exclamations from "Hey, I was looking for this!" to "What in the purple holy hell is that?!" are quite frequent in our house at the moment. I long for the day that I can once again think of space as open and star-filled. But until that time I will be modifying the legendary opening of Star Trek a bit:

"Space, the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of a husband and wife. Their continuing mission, to unpack boxes and crates. To discover old items and new species of interesting spiders and various miscellaneous insects. To boldly unpack things that few people have seen before, and even fewer people understand....."

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