Thursday 30 May 2013

The Neverending Story

So, for those of you who have actually seen the movies, you now have the awesome theme song stuck in your head. Although probably just the chorus. Most people just remember it as "the Neverending Storyyyyyyyyyyyy, la la la la la" or something along those lines. But the actual reason for this post is not to revive interest in the epic 80's fantasy, it is to talk about another neverending story. One which every married couple has to face almost daily:

Yes, laundry! It seems that no matter how often we do our laundry, it magically doubles during the night. Before going to bed we drop the clothes we wore during the day into the laundry basket, and the next morning it will seem like it is suddenly overflowing. Even our washing machine must be wondering "What the hell are these people doing? How many outfits can they possibly wear?!" Last night, while looking at our laundry basket, which was doing a pretty good Leaning Tower of Pisa impersonation due to the fact that its structural integrity is failing somewhat at the bottom, I thought to myself "Now I know why people become nudists." It's not being one with nature, or returning to the days of the Garden of Eden. Nope, I am firmly convinced that nudists are people who got fed up with doing laundry. And they are actually very smart in this regard, to them doing laundry is simply taking a shower, and voila! Now I'm not saying that I'll actually turn to the nudist lifestyle, but I do think they are on to something.

Maybe one day someone will invent a laundry basket that actually washes your clothes when you put it in. Imagine that! Dirty clothes go in, washed, ironed clothes, smelling faintly of Sta-Soft come out. But until that day, I will walk around with a very catchy 80's film theme song stuck in my head every time I approach our laundry basket......

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