Tuesday 21 May 2013


It has officially hit my lovely companion and me. Baby fever! We are just buying everything cute in sight! If it has even the remotest possibility of being cute and cuddly, chances are we are suckers for it. We have so many baby blankets, baby clothing, soft toys, books and other miscellaneous baby accessories we don't know where to store it all! But then, when the baby is actually born, I can almost guarantee you it will be like this:

No-one will be able to resist our baby, or even be allowed to try to resist! Yes, yes, I realise that I will probably be stalking people with our baby, telling them to look at it. This is the point where people usually tell me to calm down, but I have new daddy fever, and will probably continue to have it, up until the point where I haven't slept in 3 months, then it might cool down slightly. But for now I am enjoying the experience. The day my lovely companion gives birth, I will be doing the following:

The theatre doors will open, and I will be walking out holding our baby high for the world to see while "The Circle of Life" plays majestically in the background. World, be warned, it is almost time!

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