Thursday 4 April 2013

Hold still you little......!

After a long (and rather awkward) silence, I am proud to announce that my lovely companion has now passed the halfway mark in her pregnancy. She has gotten more shapely, the cravings have died down and we can now feel our little bundle of joy moving about. Well, when I say moving, I mean playing Karate Kid. I am fairly certain that we have the next Chuck Norris gestating inside my lovely companion's womb. Sonar scans to try and determine the sex of our little busy body fail miserably, because he/she does not want to hold still! All I can say for sure at the moment is that it's a baby. At this rate we'll probably only know once the kid pops out and the doctor goes "It's a boy/girl!". Probably right before he gets roundhouse kicked in the face by our little karate star. My lovely companion mentions quite frequently that she can feel him/her kicking, usually right before going crosseyed and having to run to the bathroom because she's getting the flip kicked out of her bladder.

At this point our kid will probably look something like this:

Feeding time will probably just be 30 minutes of the kid latched onto one boob while using the other one as a punching bag! We've created a monster! (But a cute and cuddly one!)

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