Friday 5 April 2013


I thought I'd share an activity that my lovely companion and I use to unwind. Now before you think "this is going to get x-rated, better cover my monitor!" I can say that no, that's not it. And shame on you! In February of 2012, we purchased a new game, something that we had heard lots of rave reviews about. And, like countless others across the globe, we immediately got addicted to the wonder that is........(insert drum roll here)........Skyrim!

For the more ignorant among us, let me give a bit of background. Skyrim is the 5th game in the Elder Scroll series. (I know I sound all knowledgeable, but to be honest, before Skyrim I didn't even know the Elder Scroll series existed!) The story is set in a land very akin to Lord of the Rings, with dragons, trolls, elves, dwarves, orcs and humans. Even your weaponry consists of swords, axes, maces (not the spraying kind, think metal clubbing implement), warhammers, bows and arrows and of course, magic. And of course there's armour to think about as well. And it comes in the latest fashions (if you are into medieval armour that makes you look like you robbed a forge) and different shapes and sizes. It even has what my lovely companion and I have dubbed "fur bikinis". Example below:
While it barely covers anything, properly upgraded it has quite a high armour rating, while at the same time making you look like something out of Baywatch: The Dark Ages. At a low character level, going up against the Forsworn (as these fur-clad baddies are known) can be quite daunting. Most encounters with them basically consist of landing about two blows before running away screaming "Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" like a 5 year old girl. Scary thing is, they are but one example of the multitudes of enemies that an aspiring adventurer like yourself can face. Other examples include frostbite spiders (spiders so large they make the movie Arachnophobia look like a fairy tale!), trolls, wolves, sabre tooth tigers, bears, skeevers (rat-like creatures the size of a basset hound, and just as annoying!) and various other magical creatures that just really don't like you. And that's just the animal part of it. You still have bandits, thieves, assassins, mages and a variety of other human baddies as well. Then, of course, there are the dragons. Big ones! And multitudes of them! At low levels dragon encounters basically consist of running away and hiding. It is possible to kill them though. When one sprays you with fire, simply stop, drop, and be Chuck Norris! Although I'd only recommend this brave action at a higher level.

If this post has not yet convinced you to try this awesome game, herewith, for your viewing pleasure, an awesome video to help you make up your mind:

Skyrim Trailer

Kudos to the amazing artist Malukah for the cover of the in-game song "Dragonborn" used in the video!

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