Tuesday 31 July 2018

Why So Serious?

I was watching the Chris Nolan Batman trilogy again not too long ago. In one of the pivotal scenes of the second film, the Joker (brilliantly played by the late Heath Ledger) asks "Why so serious?" And, because I am rather weird and pick up on strange things, I thought to myself "Why am I so serious?" Yes, I do understand that the fact that I identify on some level with a psychopathic killer clown is a bit concerning, but hear me out. We live in a day and age where, all around us, the world is going belly up. Crime is at an all time high (and that is just in the Government), the prices of literally everything are going up and depressing news is everywhere. So in the face of all of this negativity we can either give in and hide in our fallout shelters (not that I have one, I'm just saying) or we can enjoy what we have.
Since having a daughter I have learned that it is okay to be silly sometimes. There are times where I have to just sit still and have her paint my face, usually making me look like I got farted on by a unicorn. Other times I have to duel with her and, because she is my daughter and thus just as weird as I am, she is usually in a dainty princess dress and tiara while wielding her mighty sword and chasing me around the garden. So, in short, it is okay to be silly at times.

This morning I saw a poster that went "I am a mature adult. I am a mature adult. I am a mature.....ah screw it! I am building a blanket fort! You need a password to get in. The password is monkey butt."
So today I am throwing down the gauntlet. To everyone out there reading this, whether on purpose or because you Googled the phrase monkey butt and ended up here, be silly! Lighten up! Build that pillow fort! Have your face painted badly by a 4 year old! Remember what it is to have fun!


  1. Good idea! So now I Google "blanket fort" to look at different designs. Then its to the drawing board to design my fort. What type of blanket? What size? How many blamkets? Can I incorporate a pillow or two? These are serious issued.
