Tuesday 23 May 2017


I'm not referring to the extremely catchy Roxette song from the early 90's. No, I am talking about the things that we do to amuse ourselves in our cars. Let's face it, as adults we spend quite a large part of our day driving around. And sometimes during our automotive wanderings, we get stuck in traffic. Now, when stuck in traffic, you have a wide variety of options. You can sit and steam, frustrated at the lack of movement, until all the windows in your car are fogged up. You can open your windows (weather permitting), turn up the radio and share your early 90's music with the rest of the traffic. Or you can get creative. One particularly balmy day I was stuck on a highway with traffic moving slower than a sloth on marijuana when I spotted a female driver in the car next to me calmly blowing soap bubbles. I had to look away for a moment and then look back to ensure that I was not suffering some heat induced delusion, but no, she was actually blowing soap bubbles. And it was actually cheering up everyone in the cars around her.
I've spotted some strange things in traffic, from people applying eye and lip makeup to someone actually pulling faces at themselves in the rear view mirror. One particular day during the morning rush hour (which never actually seems to rush anywhere) I spotted a young lady dancing to some tunes behind the steering wheel. The man in the car behind her opened his sunroof, got her attention by flashing his lights and proceeded to stand up on his seat and dance along with her. This amused other motorists greatly thereby improving everyone's mood.

On another day that started off quite chilly but warmed up very quickly I was also (unsurprisingly) stuck in traffic. The car next to me had two young ladies in it and the one in the passenger seat decided that it was getting a bit warm. So she proceeded to take her jersey off. Unfortunately for her, she had grabbed her shirt as well and only realised it when both shirt and jersey were already above her head, thus displaying the fact that she had decided to forgo underwear that morning to everyone in the surrounding cars. She realised her mistake very quickly and managed to cover up, but not before markedly improving the mood of all the males in the cars around her. It just goes to show, you never know what you'll see if you are vigilant enough......

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