Tuesday 9 May 2017

Google It!

A friend and I were discussing Google earlier. It has become an indispensable tool and let's face it, most of us would struggle without its ability to provide us with information within seconds. But you do get the select few who are struggling with questions that the rest of us would not normally think of. Just to get an idea I Googled (obviously) the most random questions ever revealed by Google's search suggestions. I was not disappointed!
What was typed: why does my husband....
Best search suggestion: why does my husband wear panties

What was typed: what....
Best search suggestion: what are these strawberries doing on my nipples I need them for fruit salad

What was typed: what would a....
Best search suggestion: what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way

What was typed: I like to ta....
Best search suggestion: I like to tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would be like to be a dinosaur

What was typed: sometimes when I'm....
Best search suggestion: sometimes when I'm alone I use comic sans

What was typed: I am....
Best search suggestion: I am extremely terrified of Chinese people

What was typed: why....
Best search suggestion: why can't I own a Canadian

What was typed: I did th....
Best search suggestion: I did the Macarena in an elevator with a homeless guy because big bird said to and he's my leader

What was typed: what would happen....
Best search suggestion: what would happen if I hired two private investigators to follow each other

Clearly you get some rather unusual people out there! Strange searches on Google actually prompted a comedy channel called College Humor to bring out a 5 part series called "If Google was a Guy". While extremely funny it does highlight some of the weirder aspects of internet searches.

If Google was a Guy - Part 1
If Google was a Guy - Part 2
If Google was a Guy - Part 3
If Google was a Guy - Part 4

If Google was a Guy - Part 5

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