Tuesday 14 February 2017

Instant Millionaire!

So this morning when I checked my mail, I noticed a mail from a Nigerian princess offering to do business with me. Her family is extremely wealthy and she would like to share their wealth with me, should I choose to assist them. All they would require in return was my banking details so that they could deposit the funds. That is all! The easiest money I would ever make! Unfortunately for Princess Virginia Khampala I saw right through her scheme.

I still struggle to understand how people fall for these schemes. In fact, it has puzzled me so that I wrote a previous post about it, that can be found here. In that post I mentioned James Veitch, a man who decided to take on these scammers by spamming them right back. And recently he released another video about his quest to spam the spammers. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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