Monday 10 October 2016

Cry of the Gentleman

Something that has become a regular occurrence on the internet and social media is women decrying the death of the gentleman. "Gentleman don't exist anymore!" "Bring back the gentleman!" "Oh, how I wish there were still gentlemen out there!" You read these or similar statements almost every day. But ladies, fear not! I have some good news for you! Gentlemen still exist! You can still encounter them in your daily lives. There is just one ignore them!
"We certainly do not!" you exclaim. "We would know a gentleman if we saw one!" Nope, you really wouldn't. And why is that? Because society has lead us to believe that every man is trying to get into your pants. Which doesn't make sense, because we wouldn't fit into your pants. All jokes aside though, I was raised to respect the female gender. To open doors for them, and to let them walk in first. To be polite and to offer to help with carrying heavy items with no expectation of anything but a "thank you" in return. But for some reason such behaviour seems to confuse those of the female persuasion these days. When I am at a store and see a woman struggling with a heavy item and I offer to assist, I always get a cold "no, thanks" in return. When I hold open a door for a woman, I get a confused look as if I have just sprouted cat ears and started floating.

Ladies, the gentlemen are out there! They still exist! And chances are that you are encountering them every day! But you miss them. You will walk past the guy holding open the door for you while furiously tweeting about the lack of gentlemen in your life. You will keep struggling with the heavy grocery item while coldly refusing help from a guy because just now he wants to get into your pants. Again, they won't fit us! You need not worry! So here is a plea from gentlemen everywhere. A cry for attention, if you will. Ladies, we are here! And we still have proper moral values! And, if you let us, you will realise that we are not going anywhere!

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