Monday 1 August 2016

Fool's Gold

Let's face it, there is a dark evil presence in this world. One that lurks in the depths of the Internet, hunting like a shark. Every so often it will get the scent of prey and it will close in on its unsuspecting victim. Those who are ignorant or those who have been warned about this danger and are ignoring it continue to swim, blissfully unaware that a dark shape is heading electronically towards them. And like a flash it lunges at them and the result is not pretty.....
Suddenly we see the fin pop up in our inbox, promising to make us wealthy beyond the ken of mere mortals. We will stop ageing and develop massive male organs. The opposite sex will flock towards us, stripping out of their clothes as they go in order to save time. Our hair will become the stuff of legend; long and wavy. The heroes on the covers of romance novels will pale in comparison to our magnificence! We will be irresistible!

At least, that is what they claim. I honestly wonder about the sanity of people who look at these mails and think "Yes, this seems completely legitimate. I will sign up for this!" A simple test of logic will easily refute these claims. Have you ever played the UK Lottery? No? So why on earth would you suddenly have won 500 million British pounds, half the crown jewels and a date with Kate Beckinsale? Have you ever had any interaction with a Nigerian prince, or even heard of one? No? So why the hell would one be contacting you and offering you millions of dollars? It honestly makes no sense to me!

But among the multitude of swimmers there are the brave few. Those who see the fin, grab it with both hands and kick the shark dead in the face. One such fearless man is called James Veitch. He decided to do what we've all wanted to do all along......spam the spammer. And the way in which he does it is worthy of song! But I am not going to spoil it for you, have a look for yourself....

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