Monday 18 July 2016

Pokémon Go

Pokémon's catchphrase has always been "gotta catch 'em all". And it seems with the release of Pokémon Go Nintendo is managing exactly that. Catching thousands of people who now walk around their neighborhoods catching imaginary animals so that they can use them to do battle later on. For those who have not heard of this craze (because you have been living under a rock or on an island in the pacific somewhere), Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that you load onto your mobile phone. It then uses your phone's camera to display an image on your screen and adds in creatures for you to catch.
So now you have people walking randomly down roads intently watching their phones (come to think of it, most people do it even without Pokémon Go installed) hoping to find a creature that they can chuck a Pokéball at and capture it. And there are already reports of people walking in front of cars or trains or falling off of things because they are more intent on their augmented reality world than their real one. Others are reporting that there is an increase in the number of crimes reported because more people are wandering outside intently observing the world through their phone's camera.

Even doctors have clambered onto the bandwagon and stated that this game is good for you, because it gives you exercise and fresh air. Well, unless you walk into a pole or in front of a car. This craze has taken off so much that there are even videos with helpful hints and hidden secrets that you can watch in order to get the most out of the game. I definitely think Nintendo has taken the Pokémon catchphrase to heart and have caught them all......

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