Tuesday 12 July 2016

Are You Not Entertained?!

With the elections coming up in a month or so, the political climate in South Africa is once more akin to a teething baby playing with a hand grenade. And once again political parties are promising us the moon and the stars, with Mars thrown in as a bonus. In South Africa we have 13 officially recognised political parties all vying for our vote, and a staggering 73 political parties that are not recognised officially by parliament. And who do you vote for? The one which promises you free KFC and a Porsche? Or the one that promises to kick all the current homeowners out of their homes and give them to the even richer and more corrupt? Thankfully I have come up with a simple solution. One that will make voting a simple procedure. I give you......


The premise is simple. You take all the leaders of the political parties who are all clamouring for your votes and put them in a large arena. Then you give them all swords and vote for the one that survives. Quick, simple and efficient. And you don't have to wonder who to vote for, there will only be one guy left! Now that Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced (again) and is off to jail (again), we need a new reality TV show. And just think how exciting this one will be!
I realise that I joke about the political situation in South Africa quite frequently, but that is because, to the rest of the world, it has become a joke. Even we who live in South Africa can't take it seriously. Just now the guy you voted for uses your tax money to build a massive house and install a fire pool. For those who don't know, a fire pool is like a swimming pool, except for the......no, wait, it is just a swimming pool. Trevor Noah, the South African comedian who now hosts The Daily Show in the USA, once stated that politicians are taking the local comedians' jobs away from them by being just as funny, if not funnier, than said local comedians. It is no wonder the world is laughing.....

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