Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Inevitable Event

I think we've all been there; you get this strange tickle in your throat and you think nothing of it. Then it becomes a scratchy feeling and eventually you have to face the facts.....you have a cold. You try to carry on with life as normal, but you have about as much energy as a hibernating sloth, your head is filled with more goo than a Ghostbusters movie and your voice sounds like you are about to make someone an offer they can't refuse.....well, when you aren't coughing or sneezing on them.
Today I was sitting in a meeting with a supplier when my cold medicine rudely decided to wear off. My first indication was a slight tickling sensation in my nose, announcing the imminent arrival of something which would require a tissue or handkerchief to dispose of. None of which I had handy at the time. Now I am pretty sure we have all had to deal with this situation. And you probably tried dealing with it in the same way I did. You give a very subtle tentative sniff, just to see if you can persuade the approaching stream to head back in the other direction. When this fails you try with a bit more force, only to realise that this doesn't have the desired effect either. With the stream now about to make an appearance at the entrance to your left nostril, you give a mighty sniff which sounds like a Hoover sucking on a wet gym sock before giving up and excusing yourself from the meeting to go and blow your now dripping nose.

I am convinced that pharmaceutical companies have long ago discovered the cure for the common cold. It's been around for so long that, if they haven't found a cure, then clearly they are all napping instead of working. They probably make more money out of the various medicines that deal with the symptoms than they would actually curing the common cold. Either that or they find random attempts at vacuum cleaner impersonations during meetings extremely amusing......

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