Tuesday 17 May 2016


I recently read an article titled "Signs that You're the Parent of a Toddler". While reading this article I found that they mentioned some very profound truths, some of which I will share with you below:
  1. You keep watching Paw Patrol long after your toddler has grown bored with the episode and has wandered off because you want to see if they rescue the baby turtles.
  2. You cannot figure out how a child that small can have more energy than a nuclear reactor.
  3. Silence is no longer golden, it is suspicious!
  4. You come up with a cute action, game or phrase to entertain your toddler and then you have to do it at least 3000 times more because stopping causes Armageddon.
  5. You almost throw a party when your kid agrees to something, because "No!" is the default answer to all questions.
  6. You can sing along to the theme tunes of children shows like Sophia the First and Bubble Guppies.
  7. You find yourself with said theme tunes stuck in your head daily.
  8. You try not to use any Tupperware containers because they have been converted into toys.
  9. All of your belongings actually belong to your toddler. You are just the steward.
  10. You automatically tell your toddler not to pull the cat's tail, even if said cat is a stuffed toy.
  11. Your car contains more toys than Toys R Us.
  12. Whenever your toddler finally takes a nap, you relax until the dog barks, which then causes you to storm out of the house and silence the dog in hushed yet frantic tones in case you yourself wake up your toddler again.
  13. A kid crying immediately attracts your attention, even if the kid is not your own.
  14. You have come to the realization that kids can fit anything in anywhere.
  15. And you wouldn't trade any of the above for the world!

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