Tuesday 20 January 2015

But Why is the Rum Gone

So a while back I was sitting with a friend of mine while we were attempting to survive the horror game Alien Isolation. (You can read about that particular terrifying game here) Because a game as bladder-leakingly scary as that has a rather bad effect on ones nerves, some alcoholic refreshment was called for. So I had a brandy and cola. And then about an hour later I had a blinding headache. A short time after that, I decided that I hadn't had a good rum and cola in a while, so I had some dark rum with Coke. And once again, a blinding headache ensued. Even fruitcake and chocolate containing rum has me clutching my head and groaning softly shortly after consumption.
I discussed this rather uncomfortable phenomenon with a colleague of mine, one who is well versed and very skilled in the consumption of large amounts of alcohol, and he suggested that I do an experiment. I should try drinking clear liquors like vodka or gin, and then report back to him. That night I poured myself a double gin and tonic, sipped it down, and lo and behold, no headache. I tried a vodka martini or two, same result, once again there was a remarkable lack of headache. The next day after listening to my astounding results, he nodded his head sagely and proclaimed that my body did not like dark liquors. Beverages like brandy and rum should henceforth be eliminated from my alcoholic intake. Who knew this was even possible! I always believed that alcohol was alcohol. At least no-one will ever be able to ask me a very important question.........But why is the rum gone?!

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