Friday 19 December 2014

The Dark Knight

Picture the following: the sound of an alarm pierces the still night, a crime is in progress. A powerful searchlight stabs the dark clouds painting the image of a gigantic bat for all to see. Somewhere in a dark cave a sleek black urban tank roars to life. The Caped Crusader is on his way! He arrives on the scene just in time to dramatically step from the shadows and punch the villain in the kidney!
The entire scene is infused with drama and action, and fear is struck into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere! But now, that got me wondering. You often see Batman emerging very dramatically from shadows in the comic books, films and animated series. But what would happen if his intended target was late, or didn't arrive? What would he do while waiting? Play Angry Birds? Check his Facebook? Imagine the following, Commissioner Gordon leaves the crime scene. Batman decides to wait for him in his office, in a conveniently dark corner so that he can emerge and share his thoughts with the chief of police. But Gordon doesn't arrive until much later. Can you just picture that conversation:
Batman: "Commissioner, I've been waiting for you."
Gordon: "GAH! How many times have I told you not to do that?! How long have you been in here?"
Batman: "About two hours or so."
Gordon: "Two hours?! What the hell have you been doing?!"
Batman: " I watered your fern and organised your stationary. I also Googled a nice quiche recipe and beat your Minesweeper score."
Gordon: "Why the hell would you do that?"
Batman: " Because.......(dramatic pause).....I'm Batman!"
I think that Batman spends a lot more time waiting around in order to make a dramatic entrance than is shown in popular media. But then, if you are Batman, who is going to argue with you?

1 comment:

  1. Noticed that in the picture "Ordinary Batman Adventures" all the cards are aces, and even the red cards are black. Just wondering if somebody like Chuck Norris, Riaan Cruywagen, Vernon Koekemoer or Magnificent Malema had been there ............................................. ?
