Monday 23 June 2014

Baby Steps

Since our little angel first made her debut 10 months ago, my lovely companion and I have been under the impression that she has some pressing engagement that we are unaware of. She started sitting up by herself and then crawling WAY before any of the guidelines said that she was supposed to. And now, much to our delight, she started taking her first steps!
The only thing that concerns me slightly is the fact that, once she mastered the art of crawling, she can now move about with an amazing turn of speed. It seems that my lovely companion has given birth to The Flash! We have to keep such a close eye on her, because one moment she'd be happily playing on the carpet next to us, the next moment she'd be outside on the patio chasing one of the dogs around! I sometimes wonder if she has the ability to teleport! Now that she has taken her first tentative steps, I am convinced that she'll be running everywhere soon. And now maybe she will actually get to that appointment that she seems to have! We'd better watch her closely, otherwise she'll be doing this next.....

Friday 6 June 2014


Winter has finally arrived in South Africa! Now usually winter in South Africa means that you walk out of your house in the morning and notice that it is only slightly cooler than usual. We have very mild winters over here. But you get freaky winters, like this one, where you walk out the door and 5 seconds later you can cut glass with your nipples!
Just last night I mentioned to my lovely companion that I am thus far unimpressed with our winter. It has not really been cold yet. In fact, most of the time you roll up your sleeves halfway through the day, and your jacket remains forgotten in the back of your closet. Then sometime during the night, the wind started howling, the trees started shedding leaves everywhere and when I walked out of the house this morning, I walked straight into the next Ice Age! I half expected to see a mammoth, a sabre-tooth tiger and a sloth engaging in pithy word play in my front yard. (For those who are now scratching their heads, see Ice Age, the animated movie.) It would seem that my casual remark about the mildness of our winter thus far has angered Mother Nature. She retaliated with polar temperatures, just to put me in my place. When faced with such a response, there is only one question you can you wanna build a snowman?