Thursday 6 February 2014

The Cute and the Furious

Our little angel is growing up so quickly! Every day she delights us with her development. She laughs, figures things out, thinks for herself and continues to astound us with her intelligence. We love her to absolute bits, even if she does leave us a very stinky surprise every day. But last night something very different happened. At first we thought something was wrong. We had been entertaining her for about an hour or so, then we lay her down on the bed to prepare her bottle. She started screaming and flailing about. So we picked her up to check that all was well, and she was all smiles. Later when we put her down again, the same thing happened. I believe our little angel has just entered a new phase......

I have classified last night's scream as Tantrum Cry 1.0 (TM). She was......displeased about us putting her down, and let us know it in no uncertain terms! I think she was also quite frustrated about the fact that we didn't immediately catch on to the fact that she was angry at us. No, we did the new parent thing and immediately assumed something was wrong. We were convinced that something had bitten her, or her gums were bugging her, or she sensed that she lived in the same universe as Justin Bieber. Only a bit later, after some experimenting, did we realise that nothing was wrong, Her Royal Babyness just didn't want to be put to bed. I feel that the battle of the wills is starting. She will want to do what she wants to do, and we will want to do what we know is best for her. Because of her intelligence though I am convinced that she will start plotting revenge. She might drop a toy where we need to walk. In the middle of the night. Barefoot. With all the lights off. Or chew her cookies into a pulp and mash it into our bedsheets. As the saying goes "Revenge is a dish best served cold" or in her case, it might be a dish filled with baby puree that she can rub into our clothing.

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