Friday 6 December 2013

Look Who's Talking

Our little angel is developing so quickly! I am amazed at how much she has grown in four months. I regularly ask my lovely companion if she's adding Miracle Grow to the kid's formula. The latest is her conversations. She would have massively long conversations with us, or with a stuffed animal, or one of our pets, or a pretty lampshade. Or pretty much whatever object enters her field of vision. But most of the time her conversations go something like this.....

We have no idea what she's saying! She could be commenting on the weather, or the state of her nappy. She could be sharing mind-boggling truths about the universe and the meaning of life, or just airing her opinion on baby products. And she has now started doing this pretty much whenever her eyes are open. The other night we had a rather severe thunderstorm. Which doesn't phase her much, by the way. To her it is probably a pretty light show, with some very life-like sound effects! Needless to say the thunderstorm woke her up. She then spent the next half an hour telling us all about it. Loudly. In the middle of the night. While we were desperately trying to get some sleep.

She has also managed to figure out quite quickly what cellphones do. Every time my mother-in-law calls my lovely companion, our little angel will start looking at the phone and then start asking for her turn to speak to grandma. One of these days she's going to probably want a phone of her own....

But, you know what? I love our little angel to bits! And I love watching her develop, even if it is apparently happening in fast forward. At this point she has us firmly wrapped around her adorable little finger.......

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