Monday 30 December 2013

Deck the Halls.....and so on!

Finally, Christmas has come, and Christmas has gone. A time of family, of love, of peace and, of course, loads of presents and overeating! But, in this time of happiness and sharing, something struck me as odd. Something that I expect every year, but it still baffles me. The Christmas Rush. Large amounts of people who sit around thinking to themselves "I know I'm forgetting something....."

Then they suddenly remember, it is the 23rd of December, Christmas is almost upon us and they haven't bought a single gift yet! Which then results in a stampede to the malls. Usually I'm not part of this stampede as I believe in doing my Christmas shopping early. Usually around February, or thereabouts. But suddenly a trip to the local hypermarket to buy a bottle of milk turns into an hour long struggle filled with frustration, bumped ankles, multiple obscenities in all 11 official South African languages (and some in Klingon or Romanian) and very frayed nerves.

I have come to realise that this last minute Christmas Rush causes a larger panic in the general population than being told that Justin Bieber has (unfortunately) decided to release yet another unnecessary album. Or a new lady's perfume. (Which I am convinced he wears himself) It is the only time that the normally hypnotic strains of Boney M's Christmas songs, which turn us all into people hugging Christmas zombies, are defeated by the sheer panic of last minute gift shopping!

So maybe I can make a difference! Maybe I can inspire people! Maybe I can convince the masses to be prepared! To save up and do their shopping early. To be proactive and get it done so that they too can sit back, relax and enjoy the Christmas spirit! Or I would, if they could hear me over the sound of the stampede......

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