Tuesday 10 October 2017

Online Dating

Seeing as I have been single for a while now, I thought I'd start looking for a companion again. As I do not frequent pubs, except one where one of my friends performs as a singer, or go to clubs (because if someone saw me dancing they'd think I am having an epileptic fit and call an ambulance) I decided to go the online dating route. And what a strange world it is!
There are a myriad of online dating sites, some legitimate and others rather questionable. On some you see page after page filled with pictures of beautiful women, none of who actually have any knowledge of the site or of the fact that their pictures are being used. In all likelihood "KindCandice_32" is actually a overweight man sitting in his mother's dark basement in his underwear picking Cheese Curls out of his chest hair.

Then you get the sites where people can actually upload their pictures. Now keep in mind that these people are looking for a life partner but their profile picture is either this blurry silhouette, which makes you wonder if the picture is of them or the Loch Ness Monster, or something just showing the top of their head. Alright, yes your hair looks very nice but I kind of want to see your face as well! Then, you get some that seem to use the first and best picture they can find and upload that. Have you ever lay in bed working on your phone and you accidentally open the front facing camera and are faced with an image of you doing your best impression of Jabba the Hut? It appears some people just think "Meh, why not?" and upload that. We are going for a good first impression here!

It must be said that I did meet a very good friend of mine on a dating site. We did try the dating thing and it didn't work out, but we remain close friends. So anything is possible! And given the sheer amount of dating sites out there, surely one must find luck on one of them. So I shall bravely venture out into that strange world, facing all the weirdness that it has to offer. Onwards! For King and Country and all that jazz......

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