Wednesday 29 June 2016

Cooking Up a Storm

Who doesn't love a good meal? One prepared skillfully and thoughtfully. One that satisfies you in ways that nothing else can. I am a big fan of cooking, even though I sometimes come up with dishes that look and taste more like biological weapons than food. Not too long ago I tried my hand at making pea soup. Simple, yet delicious. Well, that was the idea anyway. The end result It needed a massive amount of salt, pepper and Worcestershire Sauce to even start resembling something that you'd actually want to eat. And even then you ended up like this...
A while back I sat thinking back to the golden days of my youth (stop laughing, it wasn't THAT long ago). My grandfather used to make a pretty decent shrimp cocktail as an appetizer for Sunday lunches. I thought to myself "How hard can it be?" and bought the necessary ingredients. Well, in my mind anyway. After much measuring, adding, chanting and dancing my meal was complete. And it was terrible! Instead of ending up with a much loved childhood meal, I ended up with the edible equivalent of nerve gas.

Thankfully not all of my attempts at rustling up a good meal have ended so disastrously. Some of them have actually yielded some pretty awesome dishes. And needless to say, those are the ones I share with friends and family. That way they know that I can actually do something worthwhile in the kitchen, and that I am not secretly living on a diet of KFC and burgers. Of course, there is a slight downside to having good food. And it is one that we have to consider whenever we bite into something gloriously rich and creamy......

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