Monday 25 April 2016

Damn You Autocorrect!

Technology is a great help in today's day and age. It makes our lives so much simpler in all aspects. Except one.....autocorrect for text on your phone. All phones come with an autocorrect function these days. A handy helper to make your life easier. Except that its word suggestions are about as accurate as an Imperial Stormtrooper trying to hit the broad side of a barn. I think we have all experienced embarrassing and enraging moments while typing a message on our phones.
This morning a friend of mine typed an instant message in response to a picture that I sent her. She wanted to make a comment about arachnophobia. Instead, her phone turned it into aracmaphowbic. So either the phone was suggesting something in Ukrainian or it is completely intoxicated on something highly hallucinogenic! After we laughed about her phone's faux pas I recounted an instance where I was typing a message to another friend of mine. I typed the word "organise" and my phone turned it into "orgasm". How is that even remotely connected to the word that I intended to use?! And it would have in no way fit the sentence! I suspect the programmers responsible for creating the autocorrect function either suffer from a serious lack of sleep or a very sadistic sense of humour!

This new electronic blight on our society is so widespread that it has spawned a plethora of websites dedicated to this problem. My favourite is Damn You Autocorrect, hence the name of my post. Here people take screenshots of conversations which have gone spectacularly wrong because of the autocorrect function. If your phone is annoying you, or you have unexpected free time during your lunch hour, I suggest you browse around on the site and share in the frustration of others who have fallen victim to their phone's vindictiveness. Who knows, you may even be tempted to share some of your own horror stories....

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