Monday 17 August 2015

An Appetite for Peas

I recently read An Appetite for Peas by Casey B Dolan. While the title makes this book sound like some strange manual on the joys of vegetarianism, I assure you it is not! It is her autobiography, and before you give a groan of despair, it is actually very good! Normally when it comes to autobiographies I tend to avoid them like a cat avoids a bubble bath, generally because the authors fall into one of three categories:
  • The "I am so important/popular/interesting/all of the above that you simply must read my story" category
  • The "My life was terrible and I feel extremely sorry for myself" category
  • The "I believe I am interesting but I have no measurable writing talent whatsoever" category
I am extremely pleased to say that An Appetite for Peas does not fall into any of those three categories!
It is a no-holds-barred look at one of South Africa's most quirky individuals. You could say that Casey B Dolan has done it all: author, acclaimed actress, stuntwoman, 5FM DJ, FHM cover girl, there are too many things to mention! This book takes an in-depth look at her rise to stardom, and the difficulties that she faced along the way. You will be taken on an emotional roller coaster ride (just without the throwing up and screaming) that will leave you breathless. I recently mentioned to Casey that she should have added a disclaimer to the cover; "Warning: Reading this book will lead to sleep deprivation". Once I started reading it I could not put it down! I kept thinking to myself "Just one more chapter!" until the wee hours of the morning. It was absolutely captivating! Written with a liberal blend of Casey's trademark wit and brutal honesty, it will keep you riveted! "But what about the peas?" you ask. Well, as it says on the back of the book, if you want to know about the peas you should just go ahead and read it!

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