Monday 5 May 2014

Once Upon a Time

Every few years our politicians get up from their comfy chairs and decide to mingle with the public, kiss babies, smile broadly and make promises they don't intend to keep. And every political party has their own list of particular promises. Some promise more jobs and free housing, other free health care. One political party even promised to nationalize the ocean, because it is unfair that only a few people should benefit from it!
The biggest problem that we have in South African politics (apart from the fact that no-one in government actually knows what they're doing) is that we have a massive amount of large and small political parties all trying to get people to vote for them and thus diluting the whole voting process. My lovely companion recently mentioned that we should follow the American system and have just two major parties instead of 5 million small ones. And I agree with her. That way the reigning party can be held more accountable, and if they screw up, they can be booted out and the other one takes over. Unfortunately, even though they all promise to raise the dead, end world hunger and give everyone free Ferraris, those promises never realize. At this point there is so much fiction going on at the polls that I think we should start looking elsewhere for our political leaders.....

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