Monday 3 March 2014


The other day I had a thought (something that happens to me when I least expect it). Everyone is on the global warming bandwagon. We are supposed to plant more trees and eat grass. Cows have become public enemy number one. In a recent study it was determined that the most greenhouse gases come from the rear end of cows. Yes, farting cows are destroying the planet!
In my opinion, that's just one more reason to eat meat! Save the planet! Have a steak! There has also been talk that pollution is contributing to global warming, and while I can understand the reasoning, I think all the scientists out there are missing one simple fact....the reason that the planet is gradually getting warmer, the reason that the polar ice caps are melting (time to stock up on inflatable pool chairs) is simply this, the sun is expanding.

Not as dramatic as most people would like, I know. But think about it. Our sun is classified as a yellow dwarf star. But that's not how it's going to stay. Because of many complicated (and highly nuclear) things that are happening inside the sun, it is slowly but surely evolving into a red giant star. Now before you run screaming to the supermarket for 1000 SPF sunscreen, I have been assured that this change actually takes a while. 5.4 billion years, to be exact. So you definitely have time to finish reading this post!

While I agree that humans aren't exactly the best at nurturing the planet, I do believe that thinking about this simple fact will put a few minds at ease. So for now, enjoy a beautiful sunrise, or marvel at a breathtaking sunset. Enjoy the sunlight on your face and the wind in your hair. The sun isn't going to kill us all just yet.....

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